The Parish of St Cuthbert with St Aidan, Durham

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ADVENT SUNDAY click for services

02nd December 2012

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by bring & share lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer at ST Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

ADVENT SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by bring & share lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer at ST Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)