The Parish of St Cuthbert with St Aidan, Durham

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Privacy Notice

Following the meeting of the PCC on 12th July 2021, the attached Privacy Notice has been appoved. The full text is below, but you can download it as a PDF by clicking on the link at the base of the text.

Data Protection Policy

Following the meeting of the PCC on 12th July 2021, the attached Data Protection Policy has been appoved. The full text is below, but you can download it as a PDF by clicking on the link at the base of the text.

4pm to 9pm Josephine Butler Chamber choir Rehearsal & concert

Friday 6th December :  4pm to 9.30pm. Josephine Butler Chamber Choir.   Rehearsal and Christmas carols
re Email 16.10.2019 JH to OD
Date changed re email from Team Adminstrator 4.11.19 to OD

7pm to 8pm Choir practice

re Email JH to OD 4.11.2019

7pm to 8pm Choir practice

Re email JH to OD 4.11.2019

11.30pm Midnight Communion

Re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

4pm Crib Service

Re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

3.30pm Police Carol Service

Re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

7pm - 9pm Belmont Ladies Choir Concert

Re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

10am Trinity School Carol Service

Re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

7.30 - 8.30 Belmont Ladies choir rehearsal

Re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

1pm Baptism

Baptism of Owen Charlet KellyRe Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

4pm 1st Advent Carol Service

Re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

7pm PCC meeting

re Email from Pat Rowley to O Daglish 9.10.2019

1pm Baptism Robyn Evie Hogg

Re email Pat Rowley to ODaglish 9.10.2019

7.30 Choir Practice

email toO Daglish

Two funerals - times to be confirmed

RePat re Caroline  7.5.2019

6.30 Wedding rehearsal

re email from FMC  to OD 15.4.2019

4pm Messy church

Re email from FMC to OD 25.4.2019

9.30 Holy Communion

Email to OD from FMC 8.4.2019

6pmHoly Week Reflection

Email to OD from FMC 8.4.2019

8am Palm Sunday service

Email to OD from FMC 8.4.2019

11am Palm Sunday service

Email to OD from FMC 8.4.2019

7pm Choir practice

re email to OD 20.3.2019 froom Judith Harper

6pm Maundy Thursday service

re email from FMC to OD 26.3.2019

6pm Holy Week Reflection

Re email from FMC to OD 26.3.2019

12.30 Wedding

Re remail to Od from FMC

1.30 -2.30 Ashington Colliery band in church

emails from Trevor to OD & Team admin


Fiona meeting with pupils of Trinity school in church

Safeguarding Information

This article includes information about safeguarding in the parish.
The attached pictures show the signed parish policy and contact details for those involved in safeguarding in the parish.

7.00pm Choir Practice

re email to OD 1.2.2019

time amended re email 20.3.2019

7.00pm Choir Practice

re email to OD 1.2.2019

time amended re email 20.3.2019

7.00pm Choir Practice

re email to OD 1.2.2019

time amended re email 20.3.2019

7.00 Choir Practice

re email to OD 1.2.2019

time amended re email 20.3.2019

7.00pm Choir Practice

re email to OD 1.2.2019

time amended re email 20.3.2019

7.00pm Choir practice

re email to OD 1.2.2019
time amended re email 20.3.2019

7.00pm Choir Practice in church

re email to OD 1.2.2019
time amended re email 20.3.2019

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30pm Musical Minis

lLouise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

1.30-2.30pm Musical Minis

lLouise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal baby group.
All carers of very young children welcome.
Contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 for more information

1.30- 4pm. Victoria Mill Private booking.

re email 28.1..19 from Team administrator

Childrens party.

4pm to 6pm Family Group Conference Service

re email from Team Admin to OD 16.1.2019

7pm Baby Memorial Service

re email 14.1.2019 FCM to OD

Direct Tel No: 0191 333 2183

                                               Mobile: 07342 083946

2 -3 pm Christian Aid meeting

Re email from Karen Abbott to OD 12.1.2019

4 pm Messy church

Re email from FMC  to OD. 30.12.2018

4 pm Messy church

Re email from FC  to OD. 30.12.2018

7- 8.30pm Amblers meeting

re pcall to OD 5.1.2019.
Cpnfirmed in an email 7.1.19

4pm Evening Service

Re email from FC  to OD. 30.12.2018

7pm - 9pm PCC

Re email from FC to OD 1.11.2018

3pm - 6pm Messy church

3-4 pm set up 
out by 6pm
Re email from FC to OD 1.11.2018

1-4pm Private booking

Rebecca Morgan<>;
Re email to ~OD 26.9.2018

6pm Choir meeting

Email to OD 16th September 2018

1-4pm Private booking

re email 18.7.18 Hannah Brown 
Daughter being Christened 1pm.

My contact details are 

Hannah Brown

07738 912 049 or this email.

3 North Crescent, Durham.

Setting our Captive free

Possible Diocesan meeting 1-4pm

2pm 4pm Rebecca Morgan

Private booking for Rebecca Morgan flower arranging classes.

Email 19.06.2018 OD

2pm 4pm Rebecca Morgan

Private booking for Rebecca Morgan flower arranging classes.

Email 19.06.2018 OD

2pm 4pm Rebecca Morgan

Private booking for Rebecca Morgan flower arranging classes.

Email 19.06.2018 OD

2pm 4pm Rebecca Morgan

Private booking for Rebecca Morgan flower arranging classes.

Email 19.06.2018 OD

2pm 4pm Rebecca Morgan

Private booking for Rebecca Morgan flower arranging classes.

Email 19.06.2018 OD

1pm -4 Private booking

After Christening gathering.
Colleen Perry 07783956028
Referred by Fiona

1-3 pmFaith Engagement

Ian D. Hunter Smart

Voluntary & Community Sector Officer

Transformation and Partnerships

Durham County Council

County Hall



Direct 03000 263 595

Switchboard 03000 260 000

10.30am Funeral of John Darwin

tre Fiona 
2.5.2018 OD

6pm Wedding Rehearsal

re email fiona to OD 
to be confirmed 6th Msy

All day possibly wedding

re text to OD from Fiona 30 April.

Re wedding being transferred from Witton Gilbert due to size.

1pm - 2.15pm Lunchtime Music Recital

Ernest Scott
Final concert featuring  VIV Mclean.

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Dagkish 0191 3831556

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1.30-2.30 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn Daglish
0191 3831556

2pm Hour at the cross

Fiona Collin 

Email dated 21.3.2018

1pm Gather for Hot Cross Buns

Fiona Collin
Email dated 21.3.2018

9.30am Holy week service Holy Communion

Fiona Collin
email dated 21.3.2018

6pm Holy week reflections

Fiona Collin
email dated 21.3.2018

7pm -10.30 private booking CC
Cricket club dinner invite only.
Re email16.3.2018 OD

11am Easington Brass band

Re Pat 
rehearsal for 1hour before competion in Durham Gala theatre

2.15 funeral of Wilfred Allan

  • Deceased Wilfred Allan
  • Officiant will be David Johnson 
  • Provisionally Thursday 1st March   2.15 in church . 3pm Crem
  • Funeral Directors Ransons of Chester-le-street. Tel 3871404

6-9pm Christian Aid Count

All wecome to come along and help
Karen Abbott or Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556

11am 2pm Gillian Wilson

Friends of World of Bede

Churches together Women's Gala

date amended re email 19.1.2018 Fiona to OD

On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 6:13 PM, SUSAN EGGLESTONE 
<> wrote:
Caroline and Fiona,
I am a member of the steering committee for a proposed Women's Gala next year, Sunday July 15th 2018 which is the day after the Miners' Gala.  Something else to keep me busy in my retirement!


It is proposed that the event will be held in Wharton Park on the Sunday afternoon and will be an alcohol free, family friendly celebration of the centenary of initial women's suffrage as well as the role of women today!  We are hoping to have some high profile speakers as well as music and games.  Traditionally a Women's Gala was held in the park the day after the main Gala until the 1970s. Although the event will be somewhat political in nature I am the non-political member of the steering committee, which also includes Marion Wilson, Roberta Blackman-Woods and Vera Baird.  The chair is a young local councillor who happens to be a former pupil of mine.


We wondered if the event might conclude with a service of celebration in St Cuthbert's at the end of the afternoon?  We are just at the beginning of the planning and fundraising stage but I wondered what your initial thoughts were?


Many thanks,



1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1.15 Funeral

re email Pat Rowley 13.1.2018

7pm AGM for St Cuthert with St Aidan

re Fiona email 15.1.2018

7pm Annual Baby Memorial Service

re fiona  email 11.1.2018

NHS contact 

7pm Burundi presentation

Re email 10th January 2018

4pm Evening service
email 4.1.2018
details will be on pew sheet 2 weeks before service.

4pm Evening service
details will be on pew sheet 2 weeks before service.

3-5pm Wedding preparation

Email 3.1.2018

2pm - 4pm C&P Music Rehearsal

Music rehearsal for Come and Prraise service

7-8 pm Amblers AGM

Anne Marshall 

12-3pm Room booked following funeral of Una Patrick

STuart Wright
Booked by Rebecca. 21.11.2017 phone call to Olwyn Daglish

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Please come along to our informal group for

parents to be, parents & carers of babies up to walking age.

 Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

7- 8.30 Belmont Ladies Choir rehearsal

See Thursday 14th for details

funeral rehearsal

Pat Rowley

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556
informal group for carers of very young babies.

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

12 - 3pm Private party

Poppy's first birthday

2pm -6pm Churches together event

Kirsty Thomas 
On this day the Catholics will be gathering round the memorial to Catholic Martyrs (situated near County Hall), who were executed in Durham in the 1590s.   The Churches Together committee would be delighted if we could welcome the Catholics to afternoon tea – just a simple tea with perhaps scones and cake.
see email 12/9/2017

7.30pm Cricket Club AGM

Phil Blackburn

7pm Cricket club

Phill Blackburn

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1 - 3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies


informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

nformal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

Belmont Ladies chior Christmas concert.

Pauline  Moger
times and details to be confirmed.ODaglish

Durham Young Musician concert

re email 19.3.2017 date to be confirmed.

10-11am Ashington Colliery Brass band

1 hour rehearsal
David Kendall 07578 600712

10-11am Brass band rehearsal

David Kendall

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30-11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30-11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30-11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 - 11.30 craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30 -11.30 Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Eastwood 0191 3845057 for more information.

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for expectant mothers and parents/carers of babies.
All welcome

For more in formation contact Olwyn Daglish on 0191 3831556 

7pm Baby Memorial Service



Kevin Tromans
Contact the Hospital Chaplains 0191 333 2183

6-7pm Scouts Foundation Day Celebration

Ailsa via Fiona

Bishops in Mission

Whole day reserved by Fiona and Caroline

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Dagllish
0191 3831556

10-12Bumps amd Babies

Contact Olwyn Dagllish
0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Dagllish
0191 3831556

10 -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Dagllish
0191 3831556

7pm Burundi meeting

Contact Fiona Collin for details




7pm Bishops in Mission planning meeting

Bishops  in Mission (Talking Jesus) coming to Durham March 2nd -5th 2017  
Contact Fiona Collin

7-8.30pmPittington Brass & Belmont ladies Choir - Rehearsal

Pauline Moger <pauline.moger@gmail.comPauline Morger

10 -12 Deanery Mothers Union

10-12.  It's for Deanery Mothers Union committee meeting

Janice Hardman

7.30 Cricket Club

Phil Blackburn

9.30 Cricket Club

Phil Blackburn

7.30 Cricket Clum AGM

Phil Blackburn

Belmont Choir and Pittington Brass band concert

To be confirmed
Pauline 01388 745 376

6.15 - 8.15pm Friends of Wharton Park

Committee meeting
Contact olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556 for more info.

1.15 Funeral John Thomas White

John Thomas White aged 85

1pm -2pm Musicla Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1pm -2pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1pm - 2pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1pm 3 Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281


 Isaac Edward Oliver


August 14th Elliot James Robert Harrison

Baptisms at 12.30 & 2pm

 Finn Peter Craig (12.30)
William James Patterson and Isabella Rose Patterson
(TWINS) @2pm

2pm onwards Team Vicar interviews

re Judith Gaughy Church Warden

7pm-9.30 Talk by Gary Bankhead in aid of church funds

Contact Delia Dixon 0191 3863627
Social committee evening with talk and refreshments.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10am 12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10am- 12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

9am Church organ to be serviced

John Jopling to open and lock up.

7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church,so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church,  so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church, so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church, so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church, so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church, so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church, so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church, so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


7.30 Choir Practice

Barbara Gow <>
We plan to have a choir to sing at the 11.00am service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Cuthbert's. We have 12 people who are willing nto sing and would welcome anyone else who would like to sing with us. We have a practice on the Thursday before the service at 7.30pm in Church, the next one being the 14th April so if you would like to join us please come along then or contact Barbara Gow 01913867737 for more information.


3pm Messy Church planning meeting

"Exciting News! On Sunday 15th May we are holding our first Messy Church at St Cuthbert's and St Aidan's Parish Hall. It will run from 3:00 to 5:00 pm for children up to eleven years old. Are you interested in helping? If so there will be a planning meeting on Thursday 28th April at 3:00pm, in the community room. Please do come along or speak to Kevin Kitson or Karl Jones

6.00 -8.00pm Christian Aid Count

Karen Abbott or Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

11-1 Friend of Wharton Park

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

6-8.30pm Friends of Wharton Park AGM

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course

6.30 for 7pm Visitation by Durham Archeaconry

Date to be confirmed by Ruth jagger

6.30- 8pm Friends of Wharton Park.

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

6-8pm Inter Opera Choir> 07736159298 or 0191 3784853
Using Church

7pm Bible study

All welcome
Relax and look at the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday.
Led by Kevin Kitson.

7pm Bible study

All welcome
Relax and look at the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday.
Led by Kevin Kitson.

10-12 Inter Opera Choir> 07736159298 or 0191 3784853
Using church.


All welcome
contact Alison Blackburn <>
for more information

7pm - 9pm Choral rehearsal in church

All welcome
Contact Alison Blackburn <>
for more information

7pm - 9pm Choral rehearsal in church

All welcome
Alison Blackburn <>
for more information

Services at 8am and 10.50am

NB earlier start for the 11am service so that we can keep two minutes' silence at 11am!

10-12 Inter Opera Choir> 07736159298 or 0191 3784853
Using church.

12.0pm Wedding of Paul Whillis & Helen Lebar

We wish them every happiness!

10-12 Inter Opera Choir> 07736159298 or 0191 3784853
Using church.

10-12 Inter Opera Choir> 07736159298 or 0191 3784853
Using church.

12.30pm onwards Harvest Decorating in Church

Contact Barbara Gow 0191 386 7737 - gifts of foliage and autumn berries, e.g. blackthorn, rose hip etc, gratefully received!

10-12 Inter Opera Choir>  07736159298 or 0191 3784853
Using church.

6.30 -9pm Youth Choir Christmas Concert - All welcome.
Free entry -  all welcome
Refreshments will be available.

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

6.30pm Wedding rehearsal

Looking forward to the big day!

7.30pm - 9pm Parochial Church Council

Looking at the quniquennial reports

6.30 -7.30 Bible Studies

leading up to an ecumenical event at Durham Cathedral at 3.30 on Sunday 6th September, with the Archbishop of York and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool.

6.30 -7.30 Bible Studies

leading up to an ecumenical event at Durham Cathedral at 3.30 on Sunday 6th September, with the Archbishop of York and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool.

6.30 -7.30 Bible Studies

leading up to an ecumenical event at Durham Cathedral at 3.30 on Sunday 6th September, with the Archbishop of York and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool.

6.30 -7.30 Bible Studies

leading up to an ecumenical event at Durham Cathedral at 3.30 on Sunday 6th September, with the Archbishop of York and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool.

1.30 onwards Private party

Joan Mary Harland

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies Coffee morning hosted by Craft group

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Informal group for mothers and carers of babies upto walking.
Contact Olwyn Daglish 01913831556 

10.30am Funeral of Connie Stone

May she rest in peace

7pm - 9pm Choral rehearsal

Barbara Gow
Rehearsal by Choiral Society for Connie Stone funeral.

9am-12pm Churchyard Tidy-up

All welcome - bring gloves/knee pads and tools!

Wedding Rehearsals at 6pm & 7pm

Gettingv ready for the big day!

2.0pm Funeral of Ann Chambers

May she rest in peace and rise in glory

6.0pm Wedding Rehearsal

Contact Caroline Dick

4.0pm Junior Confirmation Group

Contact Robert Lawrance

9.30 -12 Friends of Wharton Park

Jill Hollingworth

discussion on  the propsed Community Garden in Wharton Park. All welcome.

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

10-12 Bumps and Babies

olwyn daglish 3831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 3831556

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Musical Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Louise Emmerson 07743827281

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group Talk by June Wright

Talk by June Wright on her visit to Tanznaia with Jim O'Connor  from the Dorothy's Well charity.

4.0pm Confirmation group

In the community room, contact Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

1.45pm Music Practice in Church for wedding

Contact Robert Lawrance 078 88 693 850

4.15pm Confirmation Class

In the community room Contact Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

10am-12 Friends of Wharton Park

Meeting to discuss the proposed community garden following the developement of Wharton Park.

All welcome

Jill Hollingworth <>


9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's

welcome to the Lord's family!

GOOD FRIDAY 2pm Liturgy of the Cross

A quiet service of prayer, readings and communion

MAUNDY THURSDAY 7pm Holy Communion

Remembering the institution of the Lord's Supper

7.30pm Christian Aid Network

Contact Sarah Lawrance 0191 386 0146

EASTER DAY click for services

8am Holy Communion

11am Easter Come & Praise!

6pm  Stations of the Resurrection

2l.45pm Funeral of Margaret Harkin

May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

6.0pm Weddding Rehearsal

RWL 0191 386 0136

7.0pm PCC meets in Church

Discerning a new Shared Ministry Development Team

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

contact Olwyn 01913831556

Informal meeting for parents/carers of very small children

7.0pm PCC meets in Church

Holy Communion followed by meeting in the Communuity Room

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information

9am -4pm Diocesan APA session

Diocesan Resource Team

Pamel Wilson

0191 3746024

PALM SUNDAY click for services

Services at 8am and 11am, procession with palms at 11am

7.30- 9.30 Christian Aid meeting

Sarah Lawrance 0191 386 0146

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information.

9.30- 11.30 Coffee and Craft group

All welcome to come along and join a small group who share a love of crafts

Contact Sheila Easton 0191 3845057 for more information.

10am-2pm Friends of Wharton Park meeting

Robert Lawrance 01913860146

1.30 Durham Young Musicans Matinee concert

Ian Rudd Durham Young Musicians 0191 3844002f  

2-4pm Durham Young Musicians Christmas Concert

Ian Rudd Durham Young Musicians 0191 3844002

12.30-5pm Durham Young Musicians Summer Concert

Ian Rudd Durham Young Musicians 0191 3844002f  

7pm Baby Memorial Service

Contact the Hospital Chaplains 0191 333 2183

10.45- 12.45 Private booking

Last minute booking for childs birthday party.

Hannah Brown 3 North Crescent

10.30am Funeral of Lydia Myers

May she rest in peace.  Sherburn Hill Co-Operative Funerals 0191 372 0283

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children

2.45pm Funeral of Henry Thompson

May he rest in peace & rise in glory!

1.15pm Funeral of Betty Connor

May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

6.30pm-7.30pm Christmas Carol Rehearsal in Church

All welcome!  Contact Barbara Gow  0191 386 7737


Celebrate the birth of the Christ child!

4.0pm Crib Service

Come dressed as angels, shepherds or wise men!

7.30pm-9.0pm Wedding Meeting

For all those getting married in 2015 Contact Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

3.30pm-5.0pm Wedding meeting in the Community Room

For all those getting married in 2015 contact Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

10am -12 Deanery Mothers Union

Janice Hardman Deanery Mothers Union 0191 3865497

10am -12 Deanery Mothers Union

Janice Hardman Deanery Mothers Union 0191 3865497

11am -1pm Deanery Mothers Union

Janice Hardman Deanery Mothers Union 0191 3865497

10am -12 Deanery Mothers Union

Janice Hardman Deanery Mothers Union 0191 3865497

7.0pm Advent Course in the Community Room

In the Community Room - all welcome!

8am Holy Communion

All welcome!

NB No 9.30am Communion today!

We will be preparing for the Trinity School Service!  There will be the usual 9.30am communion service at Witton Gilbert

4.0pm Durham & Darlington Fire & Rescue Service Christmas Carol Service

With teh choir of Durham Johnston School - all welcome!


All welcome, come in Victorian costume if youn would like to, or come as you are!

7pm-9pm Advent Course in the Community Room

Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

7pm-9pm Advent Course in the Community Room

Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

Services at 8am and 10.50am

NB earlier start for the 11am service so that we can keep two minutes' silence at 11am

5.15pm Wedding Rehearsal

preparing for their big day!

12-5pm Private booking

contact Clare 07715005205

Durham County Council

1.0pm Funeral of Alan Jackson

May he rest in peace

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

10am - 3pm Building Needs (private booking)

17/09/2014 to be confirmed

Philip Blackburn <>

HARVEST FESTIVAL Services at 8am, 11am and 6pm

HARVEST FESTIVAL   All welcome    Gifts in Aid of The Food Bank

7pm Amblers meeting

Dorothy Botone contact 0191 3864455

Cricket Club Working Party

All welcome to help tidy up the Church grounds!

6pm Wedding Rehearsal

Getting ready for Saturday!

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course 2014.

Mrs Jill Chipchase

Secretary to the Vice-Dean and Precentor 

The Cathedral Office, The College, Durham.  DH1 3EH 


Direct:  +44 (0)191 374 4065

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course 2014.

Mrs Jill Chipchase

Secretary to the Vice-Dean and Precentor 

The Cathedral Office, The College, Durham.  DH1 3EH 


Direct:  +44 (0)191 374 4065

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course 2014.

Mrs Jill Chipchase

Secretary to the Vice-Dean and Precentor 

The Cathedral Office, The College, Durham.  DH1 3EH 


Direct:  +44 (0)191 374 4065

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course 2014.

Mrs Jill Chipchase

Secretary to the Vice-Dean and Precentor 

The Cathedral Office, The College, Durham.  DH1 3EH 


Direct:  +44 (0)191 374 4065

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course 2014.

Mrs Jill Chipchase

Secretary to the Vice-Dean and Precentor 

The Cathedral Office, The College, Durham.  DH1 3EH 


Direct:  +44 (0)191 374 4065

7.15-9pmDurham Liturgical Committee’s Wings for Worship: Speaking in Church Course 2014.

Mrs Jill Chipchase

Secretary to the Vice-Dean and Precentor 

The Cathedral Office, The College, Durham.  DH1 3EH 


Direct:  +44 (0)191 374 4065

Welcome to our Parish!

Our parish has two churches and serves North End, Framwellgate Moor and Pity Me.  We are part of a team that includes Newton Hall, Witton Gilbert, Langley Park, Esh and Kimblesworth and our clergy work and pray together. Follow the links on the Menu to see what's happening and for recent news.

6.0pm Wedding Rehearsal in Church

Preparing for their big day!

6.0pm Wedding Rehearsal in Church

Preparing for their big day!

10am-2pm Commemoration of The Start of World War One

Church open for prayer Short Service at the War Memorial at 12.0pm noon

6.30pm Wedding rehearsal in Church

Preparing for their big day!

6.0pm Wedding Rehearsal in Church

preparing for the big day on 26th July!

7.30pm PCC in the Community Room

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

10am -12 Deanery Mothers Union

Janice Hardman Deanery Mothers Union 0191 3865497

1pm-5pm Durham Young Musicians Summer Festival

Ian Rudd Durham Young Musicians 0191 3844002


We welcome The Bishop of Durham

NO MORNING SERVICES Cafe Church at The Parish Hall at Framwellgate Moor at 10am

Worshipping at a different time in a different place to help us think differently

1.0pm Wedding of Ross McLardie and Michelle Basson

We wish them every happiness!

President Tom Glover

Contact The Parish office 0191 384 7825

1.0pm Wedding of Philip Smith and Caroline Stothard

We wish them every happiness!

President Tom Glover

Contact The Parish office 0191 384 7825

7.0pm Christian Aid Counting

Contact Sarah Lawrance 0191 383 2035

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

contqct Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

6.30- 8.30pmAykley Green Residents Assoc AGM

Zoe Ostle

Residents Association Secretary

07789 563032

12.0pm Wedding of Mark Everett & Lyndsey Black

We wish them every happiness!

7pm Charity Concert -Durham Young Musicians

In aid of Diabetes UK & Christian Aid

Classical and Modern music performed by members and friends of Durham Young Musicians

Tickets £4 on the door  Concessions £3 Children free

Contact Ian Rudd Durham Young Musicians 0191 3844002f  

11am -12 Private booking

Phil Blackburn

7.00pm Dorothy's Wells evening

Talk and refreshments to supports Dorothy Wells charity

Contact ~Anne Wright 01913840758 or Kirsty Thomas

1.15pm Funeral of Edith Wells

May she rest in peace

Holy Week begins

All welcome to our services


Holy week begins

7.00pm Choir Practice

Scratch choir for Holy Week. All welcome to come and sing!

7.00pm Choir Practice

Scratch choir for Holy Week. All welcome to come and sing!


He is Risen!

Service at 2pm

All welcome

Good Friday

Good Friday

7pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist

All welcome, includes the Washing of Feet, the stripping of the altar and the watch.

1.10pm Funeral service in Church

Tony Whitfield Emerson Rest in Peace

1pm-2.30pm Lent Group

Lent study group in community room

1pm-2.30pm Lent Group

Lent study group in community room

1pm-2.30pm Lent Group

Lent study group in community room

1pm-2.30pm Lent Group

Lent study group in community room

1pm-2.30pm Lent Group

Lent study group in communithy room

1pm-2.30pm Lent Group

Lent study group in communithy room

1.00pm Wedding

We pray for Robert Hetherington and Kelly Zaremba being married today

1.00pm Renewal of Vows

We pray for Arthur and Sylvia Bowron as they celebrate 60 years of marriage together.

7.00pm Choir Practice

Scratch choir for Easter rehearsal

7.00pm Choir Practice

Scratch choir for Easter rehearsal

7.00pm Choir Practice

Scratch choir for Easter rehearsal

7.00pm Choir Practice

Scratch choir for Easter rehearsal

7.00pm Baby memorial service

Annual service run by the hospital chaplaincy.

7.30- 9.30 Christian Aid meeting

Sarah Lawrance 0191 383 2035

10am -12 Deanery Mothers Union

Contact  Janice Hardman <>

0191 3865497

6pm Fish & chip supper

Please contact Peter and Barbara Gow for more details

Barbara Gow <>

0191 3867737

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

Informal group meeting for mums to be and carers of small children.

2-4.30 Durham Young Musicians Christmas Concert

Ian Rudd Durham Young Musicians 0191 3844002f

6.30- 9pm DDO APA meeting

Pamela Wilson

Administrator and Secretary to the DDO

Diocesan Resource Team

0191 374 6024

7.30pm SClub11 meeting

Planning meeting in church.

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1-3pm Muscial Minis

Contact Jacqui Steadman

2.0pm Diamond Wedding Blessing of Muriel & Peter Burton

We offer them our prayers and congratulations!

Services at 8am and 11am, congregational meeting at 12.15pm

The congregational meeting is to discuss ideas for buying something for the church to mark the 150th anniversary

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10- 12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10-12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10am -12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

10am – 12 Bumps and Babies

All welcome- informal group for mums/ carers and young babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

12.30pm Weddding Rehearsal in St Cuthbert's Church

Contact Caroline Dick 079 47 741 517

7.00pm ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING in the Community Room

Looking back and looking forward - All welcome!

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

7.30pm Parochial Church Council in The Community Room

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

7.30pm Parochial Church Council in The Community Room

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

7.0pm - 8.30pm Wedding Preparation Event

For couples getting married this year

Contact Caroline Dick 079 47 741 517

3.0m-4.30pm Wedding Preparation Event

For those getting married this year

Contact Caroline Dick 079 47 741 517

7.30pm Parochial Church Council - CANCELLED

In the community Room

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

11.30pm Midnight Communion

Hear the song the angels sang

8am Holy Communion

Christ is born for us

3.30pm Durham & Darlington Fire & Rescue Service Christmas Carol Service

All welcome!  Collection of preesnts for Durham Womens' Refuge, choclates and toiletries

1.30pm Trinity School Christmas Service

Church open from 12.30pm

7.30pm-9.00pm Advent Preaching Group

Preparing for next Sunday's sermon - all welcome!

7.30pm-9.00pm Advent Preaching Group

Preparing for next Sunday's sermon - all welcome!

7.30pm-9.00pm Advent Preaching Group

Preparing for next Sunday's sermon - all welcome!

7.30pm-9.00pm Advent Preaching Group

Preparing for next Sunday's sermon - all welcome!

1.30pm-2.45pm Trinity School Scouts visit to St Cuthbert's

Welcome as they explore the church for their Faith Badge

6.0pm Beaver Scout District Christingle Service

In aid of the Childrens' Society

7.30-9.30pm Deanery Standing Committee & Circuit Leadership Team

Joint meeting in the Community Room

Contact Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

7.30pm - 9.0pm Durham Christian Aid Network Meeting

contact Sarah Lawrance 0191 383 2035

Services at 8am, 11am and 6pm

All Saints Sunday - All welcome!

7.30pm-9.30pm Deanery Standing Committee

Contact Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

1-3pm Musical Minis

Jacqui Sedman 079 562 10 278

10-12 Bumps and Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

9.30am- 5.30pm

Pam Wilson

0191 374 6024 

Diocesan Resource Team

Diocesan counsellors’ training day.

Diocesan Resources Team

Diocesan Resources Team - diocesan counsellors’ training day.

 Pam Wilson 0191 374 6024

4.0pm Crib Service

All welcome, come dressed as angels and shepherds!

7.30pm-9.30pm Parochial Church Council

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

7.30pm-9.30pm Parochial Church Council

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

7.30pm-9.30pm Parochial Church Council

Contact Connie Parkinson 0191 384 8852

HARVEST Services at 8am & 11am and at 6pm

We're collecting packet food for Durham Foodbank!

7.30pm-9.30pm Deanery Standing Committee

Contact Robert Lawrance 0191 386 0146

1pm- 3pm Musical Minis

Jaqui 07956210278


10am-12pm Bumps & Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1pm- 3pm Musical Minis

Jaqui 07956210278

10am-12pm Bumps & Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1pm- 3pm Musical Minis

Jaqui 07956210278

10am-12pm Bumps & Babies

All Welcome

Olwyn Daglish 0191 383 1556


1pm-3pm Musical Minis

Jaqui 07956210278

10am-12pm Bumps & Babies

Olwyn Daglish 0191 3831556

1pm- 3pm Musical Minis

Jaqui 07956210278

10am-12pm Bumps & Babies

Olwyn Daglish 01913831556

11.30am-2.30pm Cello Recital at 1.0pm with Michael Newmann and Tyler Hay (Piano)

Ernest Scott <>

Music by Bach (1st 'cello suite), Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin (Etudes), Milhaud and Kapustin

11.30am-2.30pm Recital at 1.0pm by the Lee Phang Trio Lunch available from 12.0pm

Ernest Scott <>

Haydn Piano Trio in C

Rachmaninoff Trio Elegiaque in G Minor

Mendelssohn Trio in D Minor (Op.49)

1pm-3pm Musical Minis

Contact Jacqui Sedman 079 562 10 278

10am-12pm Bumps & Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 383 1556

12.0pm Wedding in Church

Anthony Wardman & Amanda Lannon

11.30am-2.30pm Altogether Reflection Event

Durham County Council contact Ian Hunter Smart 03000 263 595

1pm-3pm Musical Minis

Jacqui Sedman 079 562 10 278

10am-12pm Bumps & Babies

Contact Olwyn Daglish 0191 383 1556

7.30pm PCC in the Community Room

Apologies to Connie Parkinson

10am Summer Fair in The Parish Hall and St Aidan's Open Day

All welcome, lots of stalls, face-painting, food and refreshments, and the church will be open for quiet reflection too!

2.0pm Mothers' Union in The Parish Hall

Speaker Carol Winskill from Durham Christian Partnership

10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen in The Parish Hall

Food, fellowship and tea and coffee! All welcome!

10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen in The Parish Hall

Food, fellowship and tea and coffee! All welcome!

10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen in The Parish Hall

Food, fellowship and tea and coffee! All welcome!

10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen in The Parish Hall

Food, fellowship and tea and coffee! All welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1) at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!


Blessed are those who have not seen and yet who believe!


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

3.0pm Holy Baptism at St Aidan's (Common Worship)


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's (Book of Common Prayer)


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

in The Community Room

2.0pm Mothers' Union in the Parish Hall

Speaker from Streetlights

2.0pm Marriage of Samantha Slater & Christopher Taylor at St Cuthbert's

We wish them God's blessing on their wedding day!

10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen

Conversation and fellowship!


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)



7.0pm Flower Festival Choir Practice at St Cuthbert's

All welcome to rehearse for the Festival Evenosng at 4pm on Sunday 23rd June

6pm Wedding Rehearsal in St Cuthbert's

We wish Rob and Bex every happiness as they prepare for their big day!


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

12.30pm Baptisms at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's (Book of Common Prayer)

2.0pm Wedding of Rebecca Bryant and Robert Hunter

Conducted by The Reverend Peter Robson

10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen

Coffee, cake and chat!

2.15pm Funeral of John Gowland at St Cuthbert's

We offer our sympathy and prayers to Jack's family


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

12.30pm Baptisms at St Cuthbert's

5.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

Flower Festival Sunday Services

11am Sung Communion

4.0pm Festal Evensong

7.30pm 150th Anniversary Concert with the RIVERSIDE BRASS BAND

North East Champion Band help us celebrate 150 years!

Flower Festival Church Open 10am-6pm

Entry is free, refreshments available, grand raffle!

Flower Festival Church Open 10am-6pm

Entry is free, refreshments available, grand raffle!


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

11.30am Funeral of Gerald Bonner at St Cuthbert's Church

May he rest in peace and rise in glory

12.30pm Funeral of Peter Wright in St Cuthbert's

May he rest in peace and rise in glory

7.30th 150th Meeting in The Community Room

Putting the finishing touches to our plans!

TRINITY SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (CW Order 1) at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion (CW Order 1) at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's

2.0pm Wedding with Baptism at St Cuthbert's

2.0pm Baptism at St Aidan's

9.15am Holy Communion

All welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1)

with refreshments afterwards, all welcome!

7.30pm LOCAL HISTORY TALK with David Butler

The building of Durham's North Road

7.30pm LOCAL HISTORY TALK with Dorothy Hamilton

Western Hill, Old Fram and the building of St Cuthbert's

7.30pm LOCAL HISTORY TALK with Dr Sheridan Gilley

The origins and early history of St Cuthbert's, celebrating our 150th anniversary


Deanery Eucharist at Finchale Priory 6.30pm


We pray for our candidates Diane and Vicky

Teddy Bear Picnic in Wharton Park after the 11am service!

All welcome, bring a rug and a picnic, hopefully the sun will shine, there will be children's games, an ice cream van and a street organ!

PENTECOST click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's


We join all our services together for a special service in The Parish Hall - worshipping differently to help us think differently

2.15pm Funeral of Edward Whyte at St Cuthbert's

May he rest in peace and rise in glory

9.30am Amblers Walk round The Angel of the North

Meet DLI Car Park at 9.30am prompt, walk is six miles (three hours) including stop for lunch at The Plough at Kibblesworth

2.0pm Mother's Union in The Parish Hall

Win Coleman talkes about "My grandfather Peter Lee"


Work on providing a disabled toilet is being completed this week!

ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD click for services

8.30am Morning Prayer at St Aidan's

2.0pm Mothers' Union Deanery Communion at St John's Nevilles Cross

MARK THE EVANGELIST click for service details

10am Holy Communion at Sacriston

12.30pm Holy Communion at Durham Cathedral

ST PHILIP & ST JAMES click for service details

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Come & Praise with Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's followed by Bring & Share lunch

3.0pm Holy Baptism at St Aidan's

6pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's (RL)

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

6pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's (Book of Common Prayer)


Election of Churchwardens, reception of 2012 accounts and reports, and an opportunity to discuss the future


Work continues on the provision of a disabled toilet

THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's (TG)

1.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's (RL)

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15an Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's (followed by Bring & Share lunch)

12.30pm Baptisms at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Easter Service at St Cuthbert's

MOTHERING SUNDAY click for services

8.0am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am All-age worship at St Aidan's

11.0am Family Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's

4.0pm Songs of Praise at St Cuthbert's

2.0pm Mothers' Union AGM

In the Parish Hall

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

In the Community Room

11am Public Consultation on the next Bishop of Durham at Durham Johnston School

With the Prime Minister and Archbishop's Appointment Secretaries - we are hoping to gather as wide a set of views as possible - please come if you can!

10.45am Funeral of Ivy Watson at St Aidan's

May she rest in peace and rise in glory

10am-12.0pm Aidan's Kitchen with Mothers' Union Bring & Buy

For the Mothers' Union Make a Mother's Day Appeal - all welcome!

12.45pm Funeral of Joan Walker at St Cuthbert's

May she rest in peace and rise in glory

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1) at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1) at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1) at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!

SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT click for services

8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (Commmon Worship) at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion (Common Worship) at St Cuthbert's


FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT click for services

8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (Commmon Worship) at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion (Common Worship) at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer) at St Aidan's

ASH WEDNESDAY click for services

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's with ashing

7.0pm  Holy Communion at St Aidan's with ashing


8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (Commmon Worship) at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion (Common Worship) at St Cuthbert's


10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen

Coffee cakes and chat - all welcome!

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

In the community room


But the work of prayer for unity continues!


Praying for closer working between our churches

CANDLEMAS SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (Commmon Worship) at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's followed by bring & share lunch

6.0pm Service of Light for Candlemas at St Cuthbert's

7.30pm SClub11 meeting

In St Cuthbert's

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1) at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome

THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY - click for service times

8.0am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (Common Worship) at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion (Common Worship) at St Cuthbert's

12.0pm Funeral of The Reverend Noel Swinburne

May he rest in peace and rise in glory

10am-11.30am Aidan's Kitchen

In the parish hall - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1)

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

Meets in the Community Room

2.0pm Mother's Union Evensong

The first service of the year takes place in St Aidan's

BAPTISM OF CHRIST click for services

8.0am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (Common Worship) at St Aidan's

11.00am Sung Communion (Common Worship) at St Cuthbert's

THIRD SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY click for service times

8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at St Cuthbert's

10.30am The congregation of St Aidan's attend Framnwellgate Moor Methodist Church to mark the week of Prayer for Christian Unity

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthber's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's (Book of Common Prayer)

2.0pm Standing Committee

In the parish hall

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1)

Our midweek celebration followed by refreshments - all welcome

1.15pm Funeral of George Smith at St Aidan's

May he rest in peace and rise in glory

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Coffee and chat - all welcome!

9.45am Funeral of Barbara Reavley at St Aidan's

With sympathy and prayers for her family whose loss we share

3.30pm Wddding Rehearsal in St Cuthbert's

Getting ready for the big day!

3.30pm Durham & Darlington Fire & Rescue Service Carol Service

We welcome firefighters, headquarters staff, members of the Fire Authority and families and friends of the Fire Service, Our service is led by musicians from Durham Johnston School



6.0pm Beaver Scout District Christingle Service

In aid of the Children's Society!

9.30am Holy Communion (CW Order 1)

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!


There will be lanterns and bonnets, to help get us in a Victorian mood as we sing some of the carols written during that period!


With seasonal refreshments!

10am-7pm CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL Church open for visitors FREE ENTRY!

Come and see the spectacular festive display!


Lots of festive stalls in the Communty Room - all welcome!


Councillor Linda Marshall Leader of Durham County Council launches our community event

CHRISTMAS DAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

EPIPHANY SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion with Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

11.30pm MIDNIGHT COMMUNION at St Cuthbert's

We welcome the birth of the Christ-child

4.00pm CRIB SERVICE at St Cuthbert's for children of all ages!

Please come dressed as one of the characters in the story!


We anticipate the birth of Jesus!

3.30pm Durham Constabulary Carol Service

in St Cuthbert's Church with the police choir and silver band

FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

6.00pm Christmas Carol Service at St Aidan's followed by seasonal refreshments

THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

4.00pm Viotorian Carol Service at St Cuthbert's

6.00pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's

SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's

ADVENT SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by bring & share lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer at ST Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's (Book of Common Prayer)

CHRIST THE KING click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's  (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

11.00am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) followed by refreshments

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

Meet in The Community Room

ALL SAINTS SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (BCP)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (CW)

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's (all age)

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's (BCP)

Lindisfarne Gospels in Durham - An Illustrated Talk - 17th November 2012

Join us for an informative and entertaining evening

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship) followed by Parade to the War Memorial

10.50am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship) with 2 minutes' silence at 11am

3.0pm Holy Baptism at St Aidan's


With Dr Keith Bartlett Project Director, In the Parish Hall - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome


Meet in the Community Room


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthber's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

FEAST OF ST SIMON & ST JUDE click for service times

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthber's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

2.p0pm Holy Baptism at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY click for service times

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthber's (Book of Common Prayer)

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's (Common Worship)

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's (Common Worship)

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's (Book of Common Prayer)

7.30pm Durham Old & New Talk with slides by Janet Thackray in The Community Room

Tickets £3 from Kirsty Thomas or on the door - in aid of the 2013 fund

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome

HARVEST FESTIVAL click for services

8am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan's

11.0am Come and Praise at St Cuthbert's followed by Bring & Share Lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer (BCP) at St Cuthbert's


9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's



8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

In the Community Room


Meet in the Community Room at 7.30pm


8am BCP Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Common Worship Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am  Common Worship Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's

3.0pm Holy Baptism at St Aidan's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's

The Interchange


The Parish Newsletter for the churches of St Cuthbert, Durham

and St Aidan, Framwellgate Moor


10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome in the parish hall on Front Street Framwellgate Moor (opposite the working men's club and next to the community centre) for a cuppa and a chat, with scones, cakes and bacon butties!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome in the parish hall on Front Street Framwellgate Moor (opposite the working men's club and next to the community centre) for a cuppa and a chat, with scones, cakes and bacon butties!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome in the parish hall on Front Street Framwellgate Moor (opposite the working men's club and next to the community centre) for a cuppa and a chat, with scones, cakes and bacon butties!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome in the parish hall on Front Street Framwellgate Moor (opposite the working men's club and next to the community centre) for a cuppa and a chat, with scones, cakes and bacon butties!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome in the parish hall on Front Street Framwellgate Moor (opposite the working men's club and next to the community centre) for a cuppa and a chat, with scones, cakes and bacon butties!


8.30am Morning Prayer at St Aidan's

12.30pm Holy Communion at Durham Cathedral

5.0pm Holy Communion at St Edmund's Bearpark


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's with bring & share lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's


We wish them every happiness


8.30am Morning Prayer at St Aidan's

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service, all welcome!


We wish them every happiness together

12.30pm Baptism Service at St Cuthbert's

We welcome Kinnie Broker-Moss, Max Willliam Moss and Oscar Henry Moss into the Lord's family


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's

2.0pm Holy Matrimony at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Baptism Service at St Cuthbert's

We welcome Eden Freya Topinger into the Lord's Family


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cutbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's


12.30pm Baptism Service at St Cutbert's

We welcome Alfie William Underwood and Jack William Heslop into the Lord's family


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's with bring & share lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

1.15pm Funeral of Harold Heron

At St Cuthbert's Church May he rest in peace

7.30pm Prayer & Pyjamas

Forum to discuss our work with the University Hospital - meet in the Community Room

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

Meet in the Community Room

11.0am Weddding of Graeme Yates and Jie Zhao in St Cuthbert's

We wish them every blessing on their wedding day

The Olympic Torch

The Olympic torch passes St Cuthbert's on North Road 30th June 2012

7.30pm Jonathan Porrit at Durham Town Hall click for details

'Durham at the Crossroads': a public meeting at which Jonathon Porritt, the environmentalist, will address the issue of sustainable development with reference to Durham City and County Durham.  All welcome!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome for a cuppa and a chat, with scones and bacon butties!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome for a cuppa and a chat, with scones and bacon butties!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome for a cuppa and a chat, with scones and bacon butties!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

All welcome for a cuppa and a chat, with scones and bacon butties!

JAMES THE APOSTLE 9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

Benedict of Nursia 9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

MARY MAGDALENE click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's



8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's with bring & share lunch

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

10am Summer Fair and St Aidan's Open Day

All your favourite stalls and refreshments and a chgance to showcase St Aidan's Church in the local community

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

Meet in the Community Room

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Cakes, bacon butties and tea and coffee In the Parish Hall, all welcome!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Cakes, bacon butties and tea and coffee In the Parish Hall, all welcome!

10am-12.0pm Aidan's Kitchen

Cakes, bacon butties and tea and coffee In the Parish Hall, all welcome!

10am-12.0pm Aidan's Kitchen

Cakes, bacon butties and tea and coffee In the Parish Hall, all welcome!

11am Funeral of Andrew Harding at St Cuthbert's Church

Our sympathy and prayers are with Andrew's family at this time, may he rest in peace and rise in glory!

7.30pm at Durham Johnston School RIDING LIGHTS THEATRE M de Coubertin's Magnificent Opymlic Feat!

Tickets £7 (£5) from St Nick's Box Office 0191 384 1180 or credit card bookings 01904 613000

THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's



8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Baptisms at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Baptism at St Cuthbert's

1.30pm  Baptism at St Cuthbert's


9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

followed by coffee, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

followed by coffee, all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

followed by coffee, all welcome!

1.30pm Wedding of Richard Alderson & Rosemary Burton

Congratulations on their special day!

12.0pm Jubilee picnic in the Churchyard with children's games - All welcome!

Picnic in the Community Room if wet, plese bring food to share!

12.0pm Wedding of Matthew Robson & Emma Piercy

Congratulations on their special day!

7.30pm Deanery Treasurers in the Community Room

Discussing next year's contribution to the Mission of the Wider Church

10.30am Funeral of Oliver Marshall Clark at St Cuthbert's

May he rest in peace and rise in glory

12.45pm Funeral of Anne Hardie at St Cuthbert's

May she rest in peace and rise in glory

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

7.30pm Music of Kings, Queens & Coronations

Concert in St Cuthbert's by Palatinate Voices £10 including refreshments

TRINITY SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's followed by Jubilee Picnic and games

1.30pm  Marriage of Richard Alderson & Rosemary Burton

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

10.30am Coffee Morning in the community room at St Cuthbert's

Coffee, stalls and chat supporting the 2013 fund.

7.30pm 2013 Planning Group

Meet in the Community Room

2pm-5pm Durham Young Musicians at St Cuthbert's

We are delighted to host this event!

11.30am-1.30pm DNT Clergy Meeting

Meet in the parish hall

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Our weekly drop in for teas, coffess, cakes and bacon butties! All welcome!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Our weekly drop in for teas, coffess, cakes and bacon butties! All welcome!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Our weekly drop in for teas, coffess, cakes and bacon butties! All welcome!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Our weekly drop in for teas, coffess, cakes and bacon butties! All welcome!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

Our weekly drop in for teas, coffess, cakes and bacon butties!  All welcome!


Durham North Team follows in the footsteps of Cuthbert and Aidan, including a Eucharist in the ruins of the Priory Church

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

7.30pm Parochial Church Council in The Community Room

We meet in the Community Room at St Cuthbert's Church

Durham North Team Sponsored Walk

Our annual beating of the bounds - well almost!  We walk from Framwellgate Moor via Findon Hill to Witton Gilbert and back via Beaurepaire and Whitesmocks.  All welcome, sponsor forms from

Amblers AGM

Details to be advised


At Durham Cathedral.  Churchwardens swear in at archdeaconry desks from 7.0pm onwards


Pray for all our collectors and for the incredible work Christian Aid does to bring HOPE!


A very special outdoor service in the ruins of Finchale Priory


At St Nicholas Durham with The Bishop of Durham

PENTECOST click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's with the Southend Festival Chorus

4.30pm & 7.0pm DEANERY CONFIRMATION at St Nicholas Durham with The Bishop of Durham


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Baptisms at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's

THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Eucharist at St Cuthbert's

THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's with Baptism of Robert Charley Keen

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's


Annual reports, accounts and election of officers - all welcome!

7.30 - 9.30pm Christian Aid Event : Once and for all (click for details)

Live music from Gareth Davies-Jones a dynamic multimedia presentation of real life stories from around the world. Come and be inspired, informed, encouraged and equipped to put your faith into action!  North Road Methodist Church Tickets £3 see Sarah Lawrance or Delia Dixon

MARK THE EVANGELIST click for service details

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

WEDNESDAY OF EASTER WEEK click for service details

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!


Decorating for Easter in both churches from 10am onwards - all welcome!


8.30am Morning Prayer with Litany at St Aidan's

11.30am - 12.30pm Walk of Witness in Durham Market Place meet at St Nic's Church

12.45pm Hunger Lunch in The Parish Hall

2.0pm An hour by the Cross at St Cuthbert's and at St Aidan's


11am CHRISM MASS at Durham Cathedral

7pm Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's and at St Aidan's


9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

7pm Holy Communion at St Aidan's


7pm Holy Week Meditation at Framwellgate Moor Methodist Church


7pm Holy Communion at St Aidan's

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's - Preacher Paul Wheelhouse


THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Baptisms at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's

EASTER DAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Eucharist at St Cuthbert's


PALM SUNDAY click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

10.15am Funeral of Robert Ramshaw at St Aidan's

Our prayers are with his family

7.30pm 2013 Planning Group

Meet in the Community Room

Amblers Walk today CANCELLED

Next walk 21st April to Gainford, assemble at DLI Carpark at 9.30am

2.0pm - 4.30pm Easter Crafts for Kids Click for details

For children of all ages in The Community Room at St Cuthbert's - all welcome, refreshments provided!

1.0pm WEDDING of Neil Bramma & Victoria Eggeleston at St Cuthbert's

We pray God's blessing on their special day

10am-12pm Table Top Sale at The Parish Hall

Contact Delia Dixon 0191 386 3627 to book a table

1.0pm Master Musicians Concert at St Cuthbert's

"Lions of the Keyboard"

Lunch served in the community room from noon


Pilgrimage from St Michael's Witton Gilbert to the Shrine leaves 9.30am

Dedication of Cuthbert Banner at Festive Choral Evensong in Durham Cathedral 7.30pm

1.0pm Master Musicians Concert at St Cuthbert's

Lunch served in the Community Room from noon

7.0pm St Patrick's Day Ceilidh click for details

In the Parish Hall on Front Street Framwellgate Moor

email to reserve tickets £6 adults £1.50 children includes pie and pea supper!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek celebration - all welcome!

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

In the Church Hall Front Street Framwellgate Moor, friendly cuppa and cakes, socnes and bacon butties

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

In the Church Hall Front Street Framwellgate Moor, friendly cuppa and cakes, socnes and bacon butties

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

In the Church Hall Front Street Framwellgate Moor, friendly cuppa and cakes, socnes and bacon butties

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

In the Church Hall Front Street Framwellgate Moor, friendly cuppa and cakes, socnes and bacon butties


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's

THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's



THE SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT click for services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

10am-12pm Aidan's Kitchen

In the Church Hall Front Street Framwellgate Moor, friendly cuppa and cakes, socnes and bacon butties

7.0pm Parochial Church Council

We meet in St Cuthbert's at 7.0pm for Holy Communion followed by the meeting in the Community Room at 7.45pm

7.30pm Wedding Preparation in the Community Room

Coupls getting married this year meet to prepare for their special day!


 - click for full size image

Former Durham Univesity student Madeleine McGivern talks about her work with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)

In the Community Room at 7.30pm

Free entry, retiring collection to cover costs

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service - all welcome!

THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT click for services

8.0am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

1.0pm Master Musicians Concert at St Cuthbert's

Lunch available from 12.0pm in the Community Room

ASH WEDNESDAY click for services

9.30am Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes at St Cuthbert's

7.0pm Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes at St Aidan's

THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE LENT click for services

8.0am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's


8am Holy Communion at St Cuthber's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthber's

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service - all welcome!

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service - all welcome!


Today we have one service only at 10.30am in The Parish Hall on Framwellgate Moor Front Street DH1 5BL.  The service will be a cafe-style Eucharist and we hope that all our congregations will be able to attend what will be a very different experience of worship, but which will allow us to begin the process of discerning candidates for our new Shared Ministry Developmnent Team.  Canon Judy Hirst the Dioceasn Local Church Growth and Development officer will be helping with our service and we hope it will be a refreshing and energizing experience!


Holy Communion at Sacriston at 10am

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service - all welcome!

12.30pm Funeral of Leslie Fawell at St Cuthbert's

May he rest in peace and rise in glory!

6.30pm Unity Service at Waddington Street URC

Churches Together in North End

Preacher Canon Lawrance


All welcome!

2.15pm Funeral of Jill Kennick at St Cuthbert's

May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

Methodist Covenant Service - click for details

The congregation of St Aidan's attends the Covenant Service at Framwellgate Moor Methodist Church


An international week of prayer for Christian Unity

THE CONVERSION OF ST PAUL 9.30am Holy Communion

Our regular midweek service at St Cuthbert's

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service - all welcome!

THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY - click for service times

8.0am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY - click for service times

8.0am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's Preacher Canon Judy Hirst Diocesan Local Church Growth and Development Officer speaking on Shared Ministry

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's Preacher Canon Judy Hirst Diocesan Local Church Growth and Development Officer speaking on Shared Ministry

THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY- click for service times

8.0am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11.0am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's

12.30pm Holy Baptism at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service - all welcome!

7.30pm Parochial Church Council

Meet in The Community Room

EPIPHANY SUNDAY - click for details

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

10.30am  The Congregation of St Aidan's attends The Covenant Service at Framwellgate Moor Methodist Church

11am Sung Communion at St Cuthbert's celebrating The Epiphany of Our Lord

9.30am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

Our midweek service - all welcome!

THE NAMING OF JESUS - click for Sunday services

8am Holy Communion at St Cuthbert's

9.15am Holy Communion at St Aidan's

11am Come & Praise at St Cuthbert's

6.0pm Evening Prayer at St Cuthbert's

6.15pm Durham Churches Together Cathedral Service to mark the New Year

Meet Durham Market Place at 5.45pm for procession to Palace Green at 5.55pm and service at 6.15pm.  ALL WELCOME!

7.0pm Advent Meditation

Quiet time at St Cuthbert's amidst the busyness

9.15am Holy Communion

Christmas Communion Service at St Aidan's

11.00am Holy Communion

Christmas Communion Service at St Cuthbert's

8.00am Holy Communion

Christmas Communion Service at St Cuthbert's

11.30pm Midnight Communion

Celebrate Midnight Communion with us at St Cuthbert's

4.30pm Crib Service

Join us at our St Cuthbert's Crib Service, which is always popular with families young & old

3.30pm Christmas Carol Service

County Durham Fire & Rescue Service hold their Christmas Carol Service at St Cuthbert's

3.30pm Christmas Carol Service

Durham Constabulary's Christmas Carol Service

1.00pm Trinity School Christmas Nativity

Children from Trinity School celebrate the birth of Jesus in their annual Nativity Service at St Cuthbert's

10am - 12 noon Christmas Fair in St. Aidan's Parish Hall

Come and support your local churches while doing some Christmas shopping

12.00 - 2.00pm Lunchtime Musical Recital at St. Cuthbert's

Enjoy music and refreshments at St Cuthbert's

Service Times

Regular services at St. Aidan's:

Every Sunday 9.15am Holy Communion (Common Worship)



Regular services at St. Cuthbert's:

Every Sunday  8.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

First Sunday    11.00am Come & Praise

         (a more relaxed communion service with families in mind)

Other Sundays 11.00am Sung Communion (Common Worship)

Wednesdays     9.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship)


Harvest at St. Cuthbert's

Pictures of harvest flowers from St. Cuthbert's


Baby Memorial - design

 - click for full size image
Project design details.

Find us on Facebook

Click on the links below to find our two churches on Facebook.

Supporting the project

Here  are details of how you can support the project.

Finding St. Cuthbert's

St. Cuthbert's is near the Garden House Pub across from County Hall. There is a layby for parking to the east of the church on Framwellgate Peth (the A691) opposite the entrance to the DLI car park. Parking is also available on North Road at the west end of the church. Parking is charged 8am to 6pm every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays. For SatNav use the post code DH1 4NH.


Finding St. Aidan's

St. Aidan's church is on Front Street Framwellgate Moor behind the parish hall and opposite the working men's club. Free parking is available between the parish hall and the church. There is also free parking available either side of the parish hall, behind the Community Centre and by the children's play area. For Sat Nav use DH1 5BL



 - click for full size image
Invitation to prayer.
Click on the picture for a larger version.

Donate to St. Cuthbert's and St. Aidan's?

If you would like to make a donation to the Parish of St. Cuthbert with St. Aidan, Durham we would be very grateful for your help and support. Please use the link below.